Wikipedia and misconceptions
Appropriately for my New Year’s resolution to start a “verisimilitudes” topic,today’s xkcd comicmentions Wikipedia’s list of common misconceptions, a moderately entertaining read. In the future, I promise to not simply link to Wikipedia. Here are some of my favorite highlights from the list:
- Napoleon Bonaparte was not particularly short.
- The Great Wall of China is not visible from the Moon.
- When a meteor lands on Earth, it is not usually hot.
- Sugar does not cause hyperactivity in children.
- Being cold for a prolonged period of time does not increase the likelihood of a cold.
- Men do not think about sex every seven seconds (at least there is no good evidence for this).
- Pure water is not a good conductor of electricity.
- Thomas Crapper did not invent the flush toilet and Thomas Edison did not invent the light bulb.
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