Diplomacy v. kindergarten

I have to admit, I know very little about the “rules” of diplomacy, if there are any. So this story seemed very strange to me. Here’s the

Psychology v. economics

Someone forwarded me an article about a controlled study that found that people who went up escalators were more charitable than those who went down

Alcohol laws

I was grading papers today and found out that Mississippi has the most bizarre set of alcohol laws of any state. Namely, you’re allowed to


I was going to start an original series on “verisimilitudes”, ideas that appear true and persist in popular or even scientific beliefs, but are actually

Poor Economics

I just finished reading “Poor Economics” by Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo, both MIT economics professors. The book was amazing and I highly recommend it.

Moonwalking with Einstein, Part 3

I finally finished reading “Moonwalking with Einstein” by Joshua Foer, where he documents his quest to win the US Memory Championship (even though the quest

Sects of Islam

I have to admit that although I first heard the terms “Sunni Muslims” and “Shia Muslims” years ago, I never bothered to figure out what

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