Moonwalking with Einstein, Part 2

This blog works very well as a commitment device. Today, two people have mentioned my “I’m going to memorize the countries of the world” promise,

Inside Job

Following a friend’s recommendation, I sat down and watched “Inside Job”, a 2010 documentary by Charles Ferguson about the role of the financial sector in

Random thought about the future

Many people are convinced that computers will soon (everyone has their own definition of “soon”) become integrated into our bodies, pointing to the fact that

Fake quotes, part 2

I wonder how many people at this point are unaware of a semi-fake Martin Luther King Jr. quote going around the internet. In my (perhaps

Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

Frank Outlaw

Good Quote

Interestingly enough, Frank Outlaw is probably not the person who said this. From a brief internet search, I gathered that (a) there are a bunch

The cost of safety

My roommate went out of town on Thursday. To celebrate, my subconsciousness decided to lock me out of the apartment by leaving my keys at

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