Original article

Loneliness and health

The Economist recently published an article about the relationship between loneliness and health. As you may have guessed, lonelier people are less healthy. The authors

What is inflation?

I was watching an economic analyst a couple of days ago giving predictions and describing most pressing concerns for today’s economy. She was particularly concerned


I recently had a debate about unions with someone who knew slightly more about the state of the economic literature on the topic than I

On selfishness

I’ve been flying a lot in the past couple of months. Luckily, I tolerate it pretty well. I’m short enough to have plenty of leg

And the winner is…

…me! I have officially confirmed that I will be starting as Assistant Professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign next year. The job market

Middle East Revolutions

It seems like everyone is giving their opinion on what’s happening in the Middle East. Instead of offering my opinion on the unrest in Tunisia,


Recommended blog

My sister has also recently started a blog. If you want to read the opinions of a newly minted lawyer living in New York, go

Moonwalking with Einstein (part 1)

I just started reading “Moonwalking with Einstein: The Art and Science of Remembering Everything” by Joshua Foer. First of all, I want to say that

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