Electronics on planes

Seriously, what is it with turning off electronic devices when planes are taking off? My three guesses (ordered from least to most likely) were (a)

Cabs and credit cards

In recent years, a lot of cities installed credit card machines in cabs – Chicago, Boston, New York and Philly are examples. Cab drivers, however,

Climate Change Excuses

I must have flown at least 15,000 miles in the past two months (counting my flights to CA for the holidays and to Denver). Flying

The Effect of Putting Black Men in Jail

There’s an interesting article in the Journal of Labor Economics from last month: “This article examines how the increase in the incarceration of black men

Who drives drunk?

A while back, I had a discussion about the age of drunk drivers. Two related questions came up: what age are most drunk drivers? And

Nerdy post

A recent NBER working paper by Morck and Yeung outlines the perils of instrumental variables. In addition to the standard “weak instruments” and “lack of


I was looking at lists of hobbies (for a research project, of all things) and found some pretty “exotic” ones that I decided to share.

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