An example of an incentive

The Bay Bridge has implemented a new toll system – $6 if you cross the bridge between 7 and 10am or between 3 and 7pm

New Year’s Resolutions

Every year, I resolve to not make New Year’s resolutions. And then (after seeing the word “resolution” a few hundred times) the thought creeps in,

Wikipedia and misconceptions

Appropriately for my New Year’s resolution to start a “verisimilitudes” topic,today’s xkcd comicmentions Wikipedia’s list of common misconceptions, a moderately entertaining read. In the future,

Green hotels

I’m staying in an undisclosed hotel in Denver. When I arrived, there was a door tag on my bed that asked me to “make a

Fun vocabulary

I used to write vocab entries, motivated by me venturing into the world of crossword puzzles. I’m proud to report that I now know most

At Home

As I promised a while back, here’s my short take on the book “At Home” by Bill Bryson. “At Home” is not the best book

“Free Public Wi-Fi”

It seems as though wherever you go, you see “Free Public Wi-Fi”, an “Unsecured computer-to-computer” network. As far as I could tell, it’s completely useless,

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