What I learned in grad school

Working is not always the most productive activity in the long run. Naps are almost always a good idea (see #1). Surfing the internet is

A great apology

I was listening to “Believe” by Skillet, which I thought was a pretty awesome song until I started paying attention to the lyrics. Turns out

Interesting observation

As I was editing my paper draft, I realized something which was probably told to me a long time ago: every time I use the

Emissions reductions and politics

I don’t understand the principle under which the developing world is insisting that it should “get” to pollute the atmosphere w/carbon dioxide (or anything else

Information overload

I’m sure that there was a time when information was scarce, costly, and slow to make its way around the world. It seems that we

Job Market

Being on the academic job market so far produces the same feeling in me as riding a Drop Tower, a ride that drops you from

The rationality of economists

About two months ago, I registered for the Allied Social Science Associations (ASSA) annual meeting. Yesterday, as I was reviewing my credit card statement, I

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