Happy April 1stI remember when it was pretty easy to trick people on April Fool’s day. Or maybe I thought it was. The first joke I remember
More words I never knew (or forgot)I haven’t posted fun vocab words in a while, partly because I’ve been doing less crosswords, partly because I know more words, and partly because
BlogIf you search for the term “bloggers” on New York Times, you will get 10,000+ results, EVEN if you restrict your search to the last
Extrapolation and polioI just read a book about polio in the United States (don’t ask why). It has some amusing anecdotes… When researchers were trying to study
Two random factsIn legal jargon, the word for “child” is “issue”. The reason you can tell different musical instruments apart is because of timbre. In other words,
Origins of “Dismal Science”According to Investopedia’s term of the day, “dismal science”, a term used to describe economics, was coined by Thomas Carlyle. The reason for his use
Hello, BP!Soon after the oil spill happened, I sold my BP stock as I saw it plunge below $50 a share (from $60 a share just
Bad scienceWhile reading Scientific American, I came upon an article titled “Under Threat, Women Bond, Men Withdraw”. It describes the result of a controlled study comparing