Made to Stick

I just finished “Made to Stick” by Chip and Dan Heath. When this book was first recommended to me as something that could help me

Bye-bye, BP

I sold my BP stock yesterday. In case you’re not aware, BP was the company that was leasing the drilling site that exploded almost two


The tap water in Boston is now safe to drink again. The biggest disappointment through this whole thing has been MIT’s reaction to the state

Oil and water spills

I’ve never been in a situation where supplies might become scarce…until today. The governor has declared a state of emergencybecause of a broken pipe that

Nature or nurture

Apparently, Larry Summers has a protege, a 3L who wrote an email asserting the possibility that intellectual performance differences between races might be partly genetic.

Weather forecasters

A few years ago, I heard someone say that weather forecasters always overstate the chances of rain. The reasoning is that people are REALLY unhappy

The value of simplicity

Instead of telling kids that they can be “anything they want to be” (as the US stereotype goes) or to keep their expectations low, people

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