I keep a document with a list of topics I want to write about when I have time, such as GMOs, thinking you’re a better-than-average driver, and the pros and cons of graduate school in anything. Somehow, I never have the time, but once in a while I get lucky and someone expresses sentiments that are very close to what I wanted to write in the first place. So instead of duplicating their efforts (and possibly doing a worse job!), I will simply re-share such articles.

In this week’s installment, we have a great Vox article on why you shouldn’t go to law school. Even though much of the article is law-school-specific, everyone considering any type of graduate school should read reason #1 and mentally substitute “graduate school” for “law school”: “Law school isn’t a solution to your fear of the career abyss.” Then, before you get too depressed, read point #2 – “There are other paths across the abyss”.

I may have more to say on this topic later, but points #1 and #2 are key for anyone considering graduate school. To be clear, I’m not claiming that NO ONE should go to graduate school. But in my experience too many people go to graduate school because they don’t know what else to do with themselves. That’s a bad idea.

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